Meet Toni Vaccaro

August 21st, 2024

What is your place in the Taplin family, and what does being a part of it mean to you?

I’m married to Adam, who’s in the sixth generation of Taplins who have lived in St. Helena. 

We met in college, and the first time I came to the Taplin ranch was soon after we graduated in 2003, when Adam spent a season working on a crew with his cousins’ vineyard management company. His grandfather and his aunt and uncle gave such a warm welcome and introduction to what they loved about this region.

Joining the Taplins has brought me into a wonderful group of family members, and it’s also meant taking on a sense of responsibility to the land and those who work here. 


Can you describe the role you have taken on at Taplin Cellars since you and Adam relocated to St. Helena a few years ago?

Two of my favorite activities are writing and helping others with their writing, so for several years I’ve worked with the team on drafting and editing written materials. Now that I live in St. Helena, I’m focusing on customer service too, working to ensure the best possible experience for our members and for those who order our wines online.

I also take care of the vegetable and flower garden here, growing veggies for the team to enjoy, flower bouquets that I sell at local farmers’ markets, and herbs and edible flowers to enhance our customers’ tasting experiences. My flower stall is called Scrub Jay Flowers, so if you’re ever at the farmers’ market in St. Helena or Calistoga and see me, please stop by and say hello.


What is your background prior to moving to St. Helena, and how does that background help you with your work today?

I grew up in Pennsylvania, and am glad to have been around wine in an informal and positive way all along; my father was born in Italy and now lives there for part of each year, and he showed an example of being interested in different wines and their places of origin, and seeing how wine can be a part of enjoying cooking and eating. 

I’ve also lived in New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Washington State, and I have family in many other states, including Florida, Nebraska, and North Carolina. Having these connections to spots throughout the country feels like a good fit when helping customers who are also all over the US. It’s fun both to learn about places I haven’t been to, and when there are neat coincidences, like recently meeting a couple who live just a couple of miles from the house I grew up in.

Prior to moving here, I had worked as an elementary classroom teacher, and as a grant writer for the national office of an after-school program. So working at Taplin Cellars is certainly a change! However, both of my prior roles required an attention to detail, proactive and thoughtful communication, and a strong sense of accountability that I think are all key to providing an optimal customer experience.


What is it like living in St. Helena after so many years on the East Coast? Has anything surprised you?

After living mainly in urban and suburban spots, I appreciate being surrounded by nature and experiencing the cycle of the grape growing season each year. Adam and I are glad that it’s been easy to become connected with the community and get to know other families, and that our kids enjoy going to school here. I also feel fortunate that the kids have room to play outside, riding their bikes and roaming all over the ranch to look for lizards, toads, and tadpoles.

The early mornings and evenings are so peaceful, and it’s a treat to watch hares hop through the vineyard, and learn the names and calls of the different birds living here and passing through. Though it hasn’t come as a total surprise, I now know firsthand that there’s also a big range of less-relaxing potential wildlife encounters: bobcats, coyotes, field mice, skunks, snakes… 


What has it been like learning more about the wine industry since your time at Taplin?

It’s fascinating and daunting too, because the wine industry encompasses so many elements. I’m really enjoying gaining background knowledge about viticulture and winemaking, while primarily focusing on the parts of the industry that I’m working more directly with. I recently took a class through Sonoma State’s Wine Business Institute, and I ask (many) questions of both the team at Taplin Cellars and the vendors we work with, trying to pick up everything I can from their areas of expertise!


What is your favorite Taplin wine, and what do you like to serve it with?

All the vintages of the single-vineyard Taplin Cabernet Sauvignon are favorites of mine, because of their smoothness and balance, and how incredibly well they age. Lately, we’ve been enjoying drinking the 2019 vintage when we’re grilling lamb and summer veggies, like the constant stream of homegrown zucchini that needs to be eaten this time of year.

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